About pencil cursor motion

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About pencil cursor motion

Post by HarryPutnam »

At risk of beating on something that is well troden already ... but can user stop the pencil cursor from jumping to the opposite image when placing dots with the `+' tool?

I find it quite a bit faster to place several dots then move over and get them jockeyed around... place a few more and repeat... at least until there are too many in the image to remember where they were to go. But even then I think I'd rather move the cursor my self even when placing one dot and adjust the other image.

I didn't see anything that looked promising in that regard under the menus.

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Re: About pencil cursor motion

Post by rwrey »

There are 2 options for dot adding.

Auto Add Corresponding Dot (4): If this option is checked, for each click on either image, a corresponding dot will automatically appear at the most suitable position on the opposite image. Occasionally, in order to get a corresponding dot appeared on the same position as the original dot, you need to hold the ALT key when add the original dot. This is useful for adding boundary dots for a warp. If this option is unchecked, you can add key dots on each source image separately.
Auto Jump to Corresponding Dot (5): If this option is checked, when you added a dot on an image, the mouse cursor will automatically jump to corresponding position on the opposite image.

You can combine the two options to get your own favorite dot adding mode. For example, if Auto Add Corresponding Dot is off but Auto Jump to Corresponding Dot is on, you will get the fastest dot adding mode.
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Re: About pencil cursor motion

Post by fantam »

Thank you, rwrey! You have posted the correct answer. :D

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